Tuesday, December 8, 2009


Space and time balance their beauty in my mind.

Ocean waves I'm watching intently plan their crests and break upon the beach where God and I are mapping our future.

Sunlight rests upon our world oblivious to its wars and so for a time I forget why we fight.

Treasured moments suspend the universe in space and give their sweetness in precious healing time to mortal labourers.

Generous portions of distance and duration equalise within my mind as the story of life unfolds.

I'm here to help I suppose,

I'll find a way before I die

To serve the Lord with space and time in mind.


Scripture Reference:
 Ecclesiastes 5:12-13

Find a way to serve the Lord

Wednesday, October 14, 2009


Take me to a lakeside scene,
To dream of childhood happiness,
In playgrounds of purity
Filled with enfolding friendships of perfect trust,
Where clear eternal waters shine.

Give me space in which to live,
Peacefully bringing good news to light,
In classrooms of integrity
Where biblical brainwaves synchronise,
With kindred minds that feast on holy wisdom.

Position me in a family tree,
Secured from evil threats to my nest,
In theatres of dignity,
Among ancient personalities laid to rest,
In a large tree, with a high nest, in an awkward place to be.

Ground me in the fertile soil of hope,
To bring forth spiritual fruit in time,
As receptive roots reverentially absorb essential healing virtues,
From minerals of meekness legally entitled,

To their rightful place on earth.

Centralise me in the spherical expectations
Of polarities produced from infinity,
Where for theological reasons of predestined design,
Wavelength tensions build in strength
And disperse their manifest content.

Humanise me in the equilibrious realities of cataclysmic compromise,

And modify me skilfully in maturity and growth,
To metamorphose with lowliness of heart,
Emerging from times of trial and tribulation,
As a conqueror of evil, a modest and merciful judge.

Complete me in the perfect love of Christ.

Resurrect me to eternal life.

Finalise me as a saint.

Command me to fulfill my calling.

Thursday, October 8, 2009

Humiliation..... HUMILIATION..... Humiliation

is this who mocks,
Who is this who scorns,
Who is this who makes for me,
A crown of prickly thorns ?

is this who whips,
Who is this who flays,
Who is this who bruises me,
Until I'm in a daze ?

is this who injures me,
With nails through my hands,
Who with spike impales my feet,
While no-one understands ?

is this who wounds me,
With barbs around my head,
Who is this who makes me bleed,
And suffer 'til I'm dead ?

has worn this crown,
Who has known its pain,
Who has died like Jesus when,
He took away our shame ?

whoever mocks,
Tell whoever scorns,
Tell these I forgive them all,
Beneath my crown of thorns.

who wounds me,
 And messes with my head,

who makes me bleed,
I bless them back instead.



.........................THE MINEFIELD.........................

I see a child wandering in a minefield.
The mines are destructive; people get hurt when they blow up.
The child is disobedient.
Warnings were given, barriers were placed, but the child is being enticed.
There is something attracting the child into the minefield.

I see an enemy enticing the child further into the minefield.
The enemy is a liar; people get hurt when they believe him.
The enemy is beautiful.
Colours and shapes, music and sounds, drama and oratory,
Games and sport, recreation and hobbies, work and success, knowledge and literature;
The enemy uses something in all of these to lure his prey away.

I see the minefield looking innocent.
The surface shows no sign of the assassins beneath the soil.
The mines are cleverly designed.
This is not the territory for an unsuspecting child to stray or be led into;
This is not the place for childhood play.

I do not see wisdom here.
The clever mines, the beautiful enemy, the errant child;
The minefield waits to take advantage of an absence, a lack, a deficit.

I see a failure that allows too much freedom.


Scriptural Inspiration:

Rom.6:15; 1 Tim.4:1; 2 Pet.2:1,2,3.


A Reason To Rhyme When These Headings We Find:

Ephesians 4:1-32


(1) I therefore, the prisoner of the Lord, beseech you that you walk worthy of the vocation by which you are called,
(2) With all lowliness and meekness, with long-suffering, forbearing one another in love;
(3) Endeavoring to keep the unity of the Spirit in the bond of peace.
(4) There is one body, and one Spirit, even as you are called in one hope of your calling;
(5) One Lord, one faith, one baptism,
(6) One God and Father of all, who is above all, and through all, and in you all.


(7) But to every one of us is given grace according to the measure of the gift of Christ.
(8) Wherefore He saith, When He ascended on high, He led captivity captive, and gave gifts to men.
(9) Now that He ascended, what is it but that He also descended first into the lower parts of the earth?
(10) He that descended is the same also that ascended far above all heavens, that He might fill all things.


(11) And He gave some, apostles; and some, prophets; and some, evangelists; and some, pastors and teachers;
(12) For the perfecting of the saints for the work of the ministry for the edifying of the body of Christ:


(13) Till we all come in the unity of the faith, and of the knowledge of the Son of God; to a perfect man, to the measure of the stature of the fullness of Christ:
(14) That we henceforth be no more children, tossed to and fro, and carried about with every wind of doctrine, by the sleight of men, and cunning craftiness, by which they lie in wait to deceive:
(15) But speaking the truth in love, may grow up into Him in all things, who is the head, even Christ:
(16) From whom the whole body fitly joined together and compacted by that which every joint supplies, according to the effectual working in the measure of every part, makes increase of the body to the edifying of itself in love.


(17) This I say therefore, and testify in the Lord, that you henceforth walk not as other Gentiles walk, in the vanity of their mind,
(18) Having the understanding darkened, being alienated from the life of God through the ignorance that is in them, because of the blindness of their heart:


(19) Who being past feeling have given themselves over to lasciviousness, to work all uncleanness with greediness.
(20) But you have not so learned Christ;
(21) If indeed you have heard him, and have been taught by him, as the truth is in Jesus:
(22) That you put off concerning the former manner of life the old man, which is corrupt according to the deceitful lusts:
(23) And be renewed in the Spirit of your mind;
(24) And that you put on the new man, which after God is created in righteousness and true holiness.


(25) Wherefore putting away lying, speak every man truth with his neighbor: for we are members one of another.
(26) Be you angry, and sin not: let not the sun go down upon your wrath:
(27) Neither give place to the devil.
(28) Let him that stole steal no more: but rather let him labor, working with his hands the thing which is good, that he may have to give to him that needs.


(29) Let no corrupt communication proceed out of your mouth, but that which is good to the use of edifying, that it may minister grace to the hearers.
(30) And grieve not the holy Spirit of God, whereby you are sealed to the day of redemption.
(31) Let all bitterness, and wrath, and anger, and clamor, and evil-speaking, be put away from you, with all malice:


(32) And be you kind one to another, tender-hearted, forgiving one another, even as God for Christ's sake has forgiven you.

The Summary is that in Unity with Victory our Ministry brings Maturity which is free of Vanity and cleansed of Impurity while we act with Integrity and reject Profanity as we promote Christianity.

Blessings to all from Michael.



You are a poem written by God,

Composed for a purpose

Though some think you odd.

You're a walking, talking work of art,

Ordained so by God

Right through from the start.

Your skills, abilities, talents and gifts,

 Are for the giving of glory

To the One who uplifts.

You yourself are to all near and far,

A picture and letter

Yes, a poem you are.


Scriptural Inspiration:

Ephesians 2:8-10 "For by grace are you saved, through faith; and that not of yourselves: it is the gift of God: (9) Not by works, lest any man should boast. (10) For we are His workmanship, created in Christ Jesus to good works, which God has before ordained that we should walk in them."

Romans 1:20 "For the invisible things of Him from the creation of the world are clearly seen, being understood by the things that are made, even His eternal power and Godhead;"

2Corinthians 3:2-3 "But you are our letter, and you are in our hearts for everyone to read and understand. (3) You are like a letter written by Christ and delivered by us. But you are not written with pen and ink or on tablets made of stone. You are written in our hearts by the Spirit of the living God."

Reference from Strong's Concordance





From G4160; a product, that is, fabric (literally or figuratively): - thing that is made, workmanship.

Author's Quote: "An amazing thing about art is that it can imitate life, but without life there would be no art."


A woman walked into our church one night

And told us her name was Lorna;

She stayed for a year

And we gave her our care,

As still she fought her own corner.


The needy and homeless were her great concern,

And those who came out of prison;

But money was short

And her mission was fraught,

With chaos strife and confusion.


The wonderful blessings of our Lord Jesus

Were always Lorna's sweet message;

She knew that His love

Could lift people above,

Their shadowy past and its wreckage.


A faithful good many people worked hard,

To give this dear widow support;

But the truth must be told

She was getting too old,

To endure fatigue of this sort.


Lorna was lumbered with shifting great loads,

This year her moves numbered seven;

Now things will improve

With this last final move;



In memory of Lorna Anne Taylor, 18th November 1928 - 12th May 2004.



Evidence Of Change


These thoughts are an isolated wilderness of loneliness
In a mind remote and inaccessible;
Inhospitable, cut-off, shut-off;
No-one comes here.

These lives are forsaken waste places of rejection
In a world hopeless and confused;
Neglected, meaningless, abandoned;
Nothing useful here.

These hearts are a dry desert of defeat
In a soul solitary and sad;
Scorched, blistered, bare;
Nowhere to grow here.


Now these thoughts are a glorious garden of communion
In a mind close and reachable;
Accommodating, inviting, welcoming;
We have fellowship here.

Now these lives are treasured dwelling places of acceptance
In a world hopeful and learning;
Nourished, meaningful, belonging;
We have stewardship here.

Now these hearts are a well-watered oasis of victory
In a soul sociable and glad;
Refreshed, healed, abounding;
We have worship here.


Transform these thoughts from wilderness to garden,
From waste places to dwelling places, these lives transfigure,
Hearts from desert to oasis change,
Your metamorphosis divinely trigger.


Scriptural Inspiration: Isaiah 51:3

Tuesday, October 6, 2009


A Sovereign Pangram

A Pangram is a sentence which uses all the letters of the Alphabet.

A Sovereign Pangram is a sentence of 26 words whose first letters are in the same sequential order as the Alphabet.



Equitably - in an equitable manner; fairly; justly; impartially.

Quintessentially - literally in the manner of the fifth essense based on Aristotle's "fifth substance" added to earth, water, fire, and air to permeate all things and form the substance of the heavenly bodies; but figuratively the purest form of some quality and the most perfect example of something.

Xenial - having to do with hospitality; from the Greek xenia - being a guest.

Yahwistic - of or by Yahwists who use Yahweh as the name of God.



If we are forced by God to rigidly function without any decision-making role on our part we may as well sing this song:

We are robots, zombie robots,
We have no choice or will of our own.
All our brains are programmed to call the shots,
Each of us a cyborg robot clone.

We must all be puppets pulled into each position,
By commands and directions of many different kinds.
We never do anything of our own volition,
We are push-button androids with closed circuit minds.

Upload and download day after day,
Reboot and recycle, compelled to obey.
We are just machines if our wills are automatic,
Any love we have for God is literally synthetic.

Don't speak to us of choice, or freedom to believe,
With everything decided we are helpless to perceive.
If we really are just robots or puppets on a string,
This song may be a thing we are predestined to sing!



Like all the rest of Creation we ourselves exist as proof of what God has made possible!

Literally the Universe is "one turning".

The Universe is in God's presence and the presence of God is in the Universe!

 In our current domain of reality it takes time for natural light to travel through space!

Without space natural light could not travel and would have no velocity. This would mean no measuring of interstellar distance in light years and no constant standard of duration!

With natural spacetime dimensions continuing to exist in equilibrium whilst we live and breathe we are always here and always now in space and time which are gravity compliant and covariant.

Supernatural light may well have infinite velocity, enabling it to be absolutely anywhere and everywhere in no time at all!


Monday, October 5, 2009


As the hawk flies not by the wisdom of man,
So too soars the eagle without our command;
These birds spread their wings as instructed by God,
And when building their nests they need not our nod.

We have no say in any matters like this,
With such in Creation it is as it is;
Our wisdom if worldly will lead us astray,
But wisdom from heaven will show us the Way.

The Kingdom of Heaven is that which we seek,
We hear Jesus calling and must let Him speak;
In Godly devotion with none to intrude,
We wait on the LORD and our strength is renewed.

Like great birds we rise up when storms are in sight,
To soar high atop them in spiritual flight;
Interceding for those who don't know God's love,
On divine wings of wisdom blessed from above.


Scriptural Inspiration: Job 39:26,27,28,29,30. 1Cor.chs1.2.3. 2 Cor.1:12, James3:13,14,15,16,17. Is.40:28,29,30,31.

Sunday, October 4, 2009


Rest here beside the waters of quietness and relax in safety,
Lie down here in green pastures where the soil is good,
Contemplate the stillness and peace.

Think about the Shepherd who led you here,
Meditate upon the wisdom of His ways and the gentleness of His voice,
Listen wisely to His Spirit as He infiltrates your heart.

When you have wandered and strayed He has searched for you,
Finding you wretched and desperate He has washed you and cleansed your wounds,
Knowing you were helpless and weak He has carried you.

Now, beside the waters of quietness, there is healing -
Here, where memories of attacking wolves can be enfolded in forgiveness,
Delusions and deceptions are dissolved in answer to prayer.

No longer disaffected by ceaseless unreasonable suffering,
Distraught no more because day after day is ruined,
Erased are infancy's imprinted errors, and evaporated are follies of youth and concerns of age.

Undisturbed waters irrigate your resting soul and make you smile,
Gracious thoughts no longer race ahead of their Shepherd
And His strength settles you in silence among the gathered flock.

Tenderness will not weaken you, nor will it cause pain to others -
The confessing of faults and repenting of sins will not wrong us,
And safely here we are restored beside waters of quietness.


Scriptural Inspiration: Ps.23:1,2,3


When treasured words flow
In rivers of meaning
Through the Edens of our empathy,
Oceans of association
Embrace the scattered continents of their comforting messages.

When filtered phrases formulate
In schools of thought
Where letters align with sequences of numbers,
Plains of simplicity
Protect the natural dwellings of their temporal impressions.

When complicated ideas rotate
In worlds of mine
While making sense in spite of friction,
Cliffs of understanding
Define the textured coastlines of their moral gravity.

When productive technologies are shown
In windows of opportunity
Which open with scriptural authority,
Panoramas of insight
Expand the fickle beaches of their imaginative design.

When valuable experiences balance
In moments of poise
Forming exponential sums that square themselves in symmetry,
Mountains of faith
Inspire the identified summits of their patient fulcrums.

When weary souls grieve
In exile from innocence
With harmful armies in control,
Gardens of fatigue
Dull the broken landscapes of their aching hearts.

When musing poets enthuse
In forests of personification
Giving life and breath to language,
Gems of discovery
Enrich the ambient poverty of their radical intrigues.



Verse one ..."When" is the key signature of each verse and its repeated use increases anticipation... "treasured words" imagery deeply significant [Latin thsaurus = treasury;  from Greek thsauros] ...speaks of value and worth (John 15:7,8), necessary as spiritual sustenance (Deuteronomy 8:3), given priority (Job 23:12) ..."flow in rivers" imagery introduces geographical theme (Psalm 147:18) ..."rivers of meaning" metaphor requires thought and speaks of creative energy (John 7:37-39)...with this symbolism of rivers comes the concept of things with special meanings being treasured ..."through the Edens" metonymy associates with creation and fall theme in a place where a river divides into four heads (Genesis 2:10) ..."Edens of our empathy" metaphor speaks of feelings and motives..."Oceans of association" metaphor makes use of assonance, consonance, alliteration and onomatopoeia ..."Embrace the scattered continents of their comforting messages"  connects the places people have dispersed to with the words that comfort them, the contents of the messages giving cause for celebration (Jeremiah 31: 9,10,11,12,13) while building geographical imagery and further metaphorical emphasis to support an awareness of messages and meanings when words are introduced into our environments. The modern day thought that the "comforting messages" of  "treasured words" are "scattered continents" held in an "embrace"  by connections that span the world is a hint of internet reality, and this foreshadows a forthcoming theme to that effect in verse four.

Verse two ..."filtered phrases"  imagery of water treatment used to identify word groups...strong "f" sound with progression from "treasured words flow" to "filtered phrases formulate"...grouping of words in "schools of thought" (Daniel 1:17,18,19,20) the "when" and "where" formula introduced in the first verse is repeated here  ..."letters"  important in "schools" and written in lines ... "l" sound coming through. to ..."align with sequences of numbers"  suggesting codes at work...complexity and concealment...but then a sudden shift to the exact opposite ..."plains of simplicity" where a philosophical landscape of openness and unsophisticated easiness is imagined as a means of protection...of course...how innocent..."protect the natural dwellings of their temporal impressions"  ..."natural" as an extension of "simpli-"..."dwellings" as an extension of "-city"..."temporal", here and now revelling in the same ambiguity of codes, as such, until they are deciphered ...can mean "of time, transient, of this life only", and also "of, or situated in the temples or sides of the forehead" ...not forgetting the possible allusion to places of worship ..."impressions" are slightly harder to interpret than messages ...the first verse had "oceans" embracing "continents" ...this verse has "plains" protecting "dwellings" ...and things in this life certainly have the ability to leave their impression on us.

Verse three...the third planet "rotates" as do things atomic ... the world is a "complicated" place ...references to people living in their own world extended to include multiple "worlds" each hosting different ideas...rotation is sometimes associated with "friction" ...different ideas rub against each other, not only when they belong to different people, but also within one person ..."making sense" while rotating, meditating, turning things over, "every problem has its own orbit"...hydropower is the generation of electricity that occurs when the force of water causes turbines to rotate resulting in magnetic field friction ..."cliffs of understanding"  in the sense that you can stand with cliffs under you, and be on top of complicated ideas... hydro-dams are like cliffs and it makes sense to use the force of falling water to drive turbines when you understand that this generates electricity... still a complicated mystery of science ..."define the textured coastlines" ...understanding builds up, backs up, is stored up...the "complicated ideas" will eventually "make sense" within the boundaries that contain them...the boundaries are "textured" because not only are they built up in layers, they are also exposed to the forces of erosion and corrupting pressures of entropy...allusion to the effects of ocean waves ..."of their moral gravity" suggests right character and conduct...and also conducting electricity by harnessing the free-fall of water ... heaviness, of a serious nature, significant, weighty and important.

Verse four ...productive technologies such as technologies that produce computers and the things that are revealed through their use ...shown when drawn to our attention ...windows of opportunity as openings and invitations to view selections ...open with scriptural authority creativity utilising programs which respond to authorisation commands, codes, and formulas...similarity to biblical six day account of Creation "Let there be...and there was."...panoramas ...geographical imagery continues... wide unbroken views in all directions...comprehensive surveys of subjects...pictorial scenes gradually unrolled before spectators so as to appear continuous [Greek pan- all + horama view, orama = vision]...insight being a penetrating understanding particularly of a complex situation or problem...perceiving clearly or deeply the inner nature of things...expand the fickle beaches of their imaginative design as the drive to develop new and more fashionable products of the imagination results in planned obsolescence and paradigm shifts that change the technological landscape.

Verse five ...valuable experiences covers a wide range of possibilities ...valuable to learn from ...balance somewhere...balancing acts...equality of totals in debit and credit...satisfying arrangements of proportion in a design ...moments of poise when a dignified, composed manner of equilibrium allows for a stable situation in which forces cancel one another ...exponential sums that square themselves in symmetry are those which build on their previous experience...2 x 2 = 4, 4 x 4 = 8, 8 x 8 = 64, balance, poise, symmetry...with an exponent being a mathematical notation indicating the number of times a quantity is multiplied by itself...here each of the valuable experiences are mathematically expressed with an exponent of 2 experienced over and over, so that rapid proportional growth becomes possible ...mountains of faith rise up supportively...word play of "inspire" as in "spire" as in pinnacle...as a verb, to cause or stimulate creative activity ...identified meaning recognised as connected or associated closely with the experiences ...summits being the highest levels...political and religious leaders...word flow progressing from sums to summits...patient while exhibiting calm endurance of pain, difficulty, provocation, or annoyance...also while receiving care and treatment ...fulcrums are the agents through which vital powers are exercised...props or supports for arms and levers...constructions used as points of balance...equilibrium expected.

Verse six ...weary souls ...when and where ...grieve over loss usually...in contrast to positivity expressed in previous verse ...exile usually from a home or native country...enforced or self-imposed ...innocence in every sense...inoffensiveness, freedom from sin, moral wrong, or guilt through lack of knowledge of evil ...harmful armies threatening to well-being, malevolent...usually trained and organised ...control by force and numbers in authority over those subdued, oppressing, restricting, limiting, abusing, destroying ...gardens of fatigue where everything grows tired ...dull the broken landscapes meaning to dispirit and desensitise the damaged view of everything ...aching hearts full of yearning and sorrow.

Verse seven ...musing as a source of inspiration suitable for poets who think poetically as a matter of course ...enthuse being positively inspired...notice a micro-sequence using the m of musing and n of enthuse ...forests of personification being good places to find divine inspiration
(Isaiah 61:1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,10,11)
having the power to stand tall and keep growing in spite of tribulation, grief, and opposition,  trees of righteousness are well anchored in purity, abundant in grace, and strong in good works ...giving life and breath to language such is the power of personification ...Gems of discovery are valuable findings worn as personal ornaments...bringing the treasured words of verse one to mind...also an acronym ...enrich the ambient poverty...enrich with meaningful, rewarding, truly desirable truth...ambient because close, enveloping, surrounding, encompassing in nature...poverty because of inferiority, deficiency, scarcity, and inadequacy ...radical intrigues being the root from which all else is formed,  also extremes in advocating change within life and therefore the plots of plays, dramatic poems, or other literary pieces:- characterised by the development of complex or involved situations.


A. Anticipation of Occurrences:
1.words flow
2.phrases formulate
3.ideas rotate
4.technologies are shown
5.experiences balance
6.souls grieve
7.poets enthuse
B. Related Attributes:
C. Figurative Locations:
1.rivers of meaning
2.schools of thought
3.worlds of mine
4.windows of opportunity
5.moments of poise
6.exile from innocence
7.forests of personification
D. Interactive Influences:
E. Metaphorical Geography:
1.oceans of association
2.plains of simplicity
3.cliffs of understanding
4.panoramas of insight
5.mountains of faith
6.gardens of fatigue
7.gems of discovery
F. Operational Strategies:
G. Geographical Features:
1.scattered continents
2.natural dwellings
3.textured coastlines
4.fickle beaches
5.identified summits
6.broken landscapes
7.ambient poverty
H. Integral Components Modified:
1.comforting messages
2.temporal impressions
3.moral gravity
4.imaginative designs
5.patient fulcrums
6.aching hearts
7.radical intrigues